Nipun Cherian: The Unsung Hero of Kerala’s Battle Against Corruption.

4 min readMar 22, 2024


Nipun Cherian emerges as an exemplary figure, deeply rooted in a rich heritage of political and judicial legacy within Kerala. With an educational background that marries deep intellectual rigor with a profound sense of social justice, Cherian channels his learnedness into action. His lineage includes the formidable Mathai Manjuranta, a revered socialist leader, and the esteemed first Chief Justice of Kochi, painting a vivid picture of a household steeped in the principles of justice and equality. This background set the stage for Cherian’s eventual venture into the realm of robotics entrepreneurship, where he not only strives for innovation but also upholds his family’s legacy by engaging in a tireless fight against corruption. His transition from business to a more politically and socially inclined activism showcases a rare blend of modern entrepreneurial spirit and a steadfast commitment to societal well-being, positioning him as a bridge between Kerala’s illustrious past and its potential for a just and equitable future.

Career and Advocacy:

Nipun Cherian’s foray into the world of entrepreneurship through his robotics company is more than a business venture; it’s a testament to his dedication to innovate for the public good. Focused on developing robotics technology to solve everyday problems, Cherian’s company aims to make technological advancements accessible to all segments of society. This alignment of his business with his larger goal of societal well-being illustrates how his professional endeavors are intricately connected to his political activism. Unlike many who see business as a means to accumulate wealth, Cherian views his company as a vehicle for change, leveraging technology to address pressing social issues such as healthcare accessibility, education, and environmental sustainability. His commitment to using robotics as a tool for social justice echoes his broader mission to fight corruption and promote equality, demonstrating a seamless fusion of entrepreneurial success with fervent advocacy for the common good.

Legal Battles and Defiance:

Nipun Cherian’s path has been marked by notable legal skirmishes that underscore his enduring resolve against injustice. One such instance is the saga surrounding the Vyatila bridge, which saw Cherian locked away in a dark, damp tunnel for ten days. His offense? Daring to leave the bridge open for the public’s benefit, illustrating his unwavering dedication to serving the people over conforming to bureaucratic directives. This incident is emblematic of Cherian’s readiness to face personal inconvenience for the greater good.

Another significant chapter in Cherian’s legal battles unfolded with his bold stance in defense of fish workers, leading to a contempt of court charge. Despite being provided an opportunity to escape punishment if he sought court’s forgiveness, Cherian stood firm, opting instead for imprisonment. His four-month tenure behind bars served not only as a testament to his integrity and resolve but also highlighted his principled stand against systemic injustice. Through these challenging episodes, Nipun Cherian emerges not just as an advocate for societal well-being, but as a beacon of resilience, embodying the courage to challenge the status quo and bear the consequences with dignity.

Impact on Kerala’s Politics and Society:

Nipun Cherian’s rigorous activism and legal confrontations have had a profound impact on the political climate and social fabric of Kerala, nudging the state towards greater accountability and transparency. His efforts resonate deeply within the community, fostering a renewed sense of civic engagement and prompting a critical discourse on the responsibilities of the government toward its people. Cherian’s relentless pursuit of justice, particularly in cases that directly impact the underprivileged and marginalized, amplifies voices that are often unheard in the bustling corridors of power. This dynamic has not only elevated public awareness but also pressured policymakers to reconsider and refine their approach to governance.

Importantly, Cherian’s actions have sparked a pivotal shift in public opinion, gradually dismantling long-standing barriers of apathy and resignation. By leading through example, he champions a message of empowerment, encouraging individuals to assert their rights and demand accountability. This grassroots level awakening contributes to a more informed electorate, indirectly influencing policy frameworks and administrative practices to be more inclusive and responsive to the people’s needs. In a broader perspective, Cherian’s advocacy underscores the potential of individual activism to catalyze systemic change, setting a precedent for future generations in Kerala and beyond, to engage in meaningful societal reform. His story is a compelling reminder that committed individuals can indeed inspire transformation and pave the way for a more just and equitable society.

Legacies and Lessons:

Nipun Cherian’s legacy transcends the myriad challenges he faced; it is a beacon of relentless advocacy and a profound commitment to societal welfare and justice. His life and battles serve as an emblematic inspiration for future generations, illuminating the path of righteousness amidst adversity. Through his dedication, Cherian has not only made indelible marks on Kerala’s political and social landscapes but has also sown the seeds of empowerment and accountability in the hearts of many. Future advocates in Kerala, and beyond, can draw from his tenacity and unwavering spirit to confront systemic injustices and to strive for a society where equity and compassion prevail. The road ahead for continued advocacy in Kerala is illuminated by Cherian’s example. It encourages individuals to not only dare to dream of a better world but also to take tangible steps towards enacting change. In essence, Nipun Cherian’s story is a clarion call for every citizen to engage in the active pursuit of justice, equality, and the betterment of society at large.

